March 05, 2011

PMS or Pregnant?

For the past week, I have been showing sign of pregnancy symptoms. Yet they seem more like PMS symptoms as well. I am experiencing breast swelling, tenderness, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, tiredness, bloating, lower back pain, and headaches.

My sleeping pattern dramatically changed. I slept around 8.30p.m till 6.30a.m the next morning. My reaction to food became weird. I ate a lot than usual and I always cravings for sweet or sour foods. I feel just heavy and not myself. Huhu..



My cycle are regular every month as a rule. I am expected to have my next period on last Tuesday. But today I already overdue to my period for 4 days. Its a scare and maybe the more I freak out about the more my mind play tricks. Could I be pregnant?

Oh nooo! I can't get pregnant now! This is not the right time for me to get pregnant again now. I am SO not ready yet for he 4th one. My baby, Adel is just turning 18 months and he is super hyperactive right now. He is FULL of sooooo much energy!! Adoiyai.. Budak tengah dalam fasa lasak antarabangsala katakan. Btw, I am going back to school this coming September. So, we are not planning to have another baby for another 3 years.

 Best jugak kalau pregnant lagi kan.. Baju preggy skrg cantik2.. =P

I didn't opt for IUD, implant or using pills or injections or condoms or whatever for birth control. I just go "natural way" since I gave birth to Auni 7 years ago by breastfeeding and monitoring my period pattern. I'll make sure I had my period every month on the dot.

My hubby was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. He just ignored whatever I said about my extreme worried if I do really pregnant this time. And today the puzzle has finally been answered............. 


Yippie yay!
---> I just had my period just now.   =P
(Cuak jer lebih minah nie...)

On occasion, symptoms of PMS can manifest more significantly than usual, making pregnancy a possibility. The mind is a powerful thing. Maybe because of stress wiz work at the office and little family problems end up delaying my period for this month. Hopefully, my period for next one will goes on schedule and my mood swings will be better. 

p/s: To Mr. Hubby =>  I'm soooo sorry ya, bukan sengaja nak mengamuk @ menangis tak tentu pasal.. itu cuma mood nak PMS je tu.. Harap maklum seperti bulan2 sebelum ini ya.. =)

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