July 14, 2014

School Holidays in Ipoh

Salam Ramadhan lovelies.. How's your Ramadhan going so far? I hope everyone is having a blessed, fitnah-free and beneficial Ramadhan thus far! 

Sorry for the lack of updates.  I've been really busy these past few months working on few final projects and research papers. And on the final week before the submission date, I've fallen sick due to chronic stress. Oh my! Alhamdulillah, at the end everything goes well and, all the projects has been presented and submitted on the date. Phewww! Now, I can enjoy my short break till Raya before going back to work.

Anyway.... during last school holidays, we spent four days at Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suite Ipoh since daddy has to attend an annual conference in here. When I told the kids that we're gonna stayed at hotel, they were super excited, especially Adel, my little boy. He has looking forward to it and keep asking me when we will go to spend night at the hotel again. Kids oh kids! 

Here's some photos taken during our trip to Ipoh. 

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suite Ipoh is one of the latest luxury hotels in town, During our stay, we got Deluxe room with complimentary high-speed WI-FI internet access, That's what I am looking for coz' my work still need to be done even on holidays. The room is spacious and comfortable. Everything in the room looks new and clean, probably because it is a new hotel. 

I was quite enchanted with their sophisticated touch screen electricity switchboard. Cool! *please excuse me for this* I've been touched this board for more than 10 times in a day.. Jakunnya saya.. hehe.. 

Their bathroom is clean and got bathtub in there. This was great! When I feel lazy to bring my kids down to swimming pool, I just can let them have their bubble bath in the tub. There's a window which I could see my kids while watched TV on bed. 

Another thing that impressed me is when using their lift, you just need to flash your room key at the scanner machine and it will automatically gone up to your room level. It is great especially to travelers like me who always forget what level of my room be. Furthermore, I think this system provide safety to the hotel guests where it will avoid stranger from entering the guest rooms level. Talking about strangers, I had a bad experience during my stay at this one hotel somewhere in KL. Someone tried to unlock my room door at 3 a.m. Thank's God nothing had happened as I did used bolt to double locked my room door. So girls, make sure you lock, double lock and bolt your room door whenever you stay at hotel. 

There was an outdoor swimming pool on the fifth floor which my kids were looking for. The swimming pool has see through glass which something I not expected for. How I'm going to swim in there? 

Btw, the depth of the pool is 1.2 m with a cyclic panel at 12 m, which is the longest single panel in Malaysia, makes it perfect for swimming laps. In addition, they also have a mini pool for the young ones with depth of 750 mm. 

Glass swimming pool is a recent design trend 
that makes for an attractive and impressive outdoor decor.

Could you see me swimming under the water? 

Enjoyed their time while I still permitted.

I'm done! It's freezing tho.

At the night, we went to Dataran MBI to had our dinner. Dataran MBI (Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh) is the most popular place for 'warung style food' with almost every 'warung' selling 'char keow teow'. The stalls open from 7 p.m onward till 12 a.m to 2 a.m. It's awesome to eat in the cool breeze of the night air. 

We choose stall number 15. I ordered 'char keow teow' while kids were enjoyed 'nasi lemak'. The 'nasi lemak' was so damn good and 'sebungkus' only for RM1.30 u'ollss. 

During our stay in here, while daddy was busy attended the conference, I took kids to the shopping malls and have our chilling time together. We had our lunch out there and spent few hours at bookstore as usual. 

I am not good with the route in Ipoh, however I managed to go from one place to another with little help from gps. Takde gps mau sesar kot walaupun bandar Ipoh tak besar! 

Anytime, anywhere and anyhow, do read!

Before we went back to KL, we went all the way to Teluk Intan because Auni wanted to get 'semperit' cookies that she had ate before. Actually, her daddy got the sample of the cookies at conference. We went direct to the supplier house and bought few to bring back. On the way back to KL, satu tin dah habis dikerjakan. 

So for this coming Raya. I already ordered three jar of 'semperit' cookies for Auni. Oh Raya is around the corner, but we haven't prepare anything or buy baju Raya yet. Have you done your Raya preparation already? 

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